Snowmobile Trails Funding

Recreational Trails Program money allocated by state.
Please keep in mind that up to 50% can be transferred out of our control. Start working with your respective state department to be sure this does not happen in your state. The following figures are authorized for FY 2006.
AK | 1,030,817 |
AL | 1,414,338 |
AR | 1,103,860 |
AZ | 1,438,623 |
CA | 5,048,649 |
CO | 1,268,088 |
CT | 841,282 |
DC | 671,259 |
DE | 734,425 |
FL | 2,712,572 |
GA | 1,778,640 |
HI | 758,079 |
IA | 1,172,241 |
ID | 1,131,035 |
IL | 1,805,492 |
IN | 1,188,812 |
KS | 1,108,599 |
KY | 1,156,495 |
LA | 1,417,110 |
MA | 1,128,864 |
MD | 994,161 |
ME | 1,019,565 |
MI | 2,037,354 |
MN | 1,567,865 |
MO | 1,329,499 |
MS | 1,247,338 |
MT | 1,163,382 |
NC | 1,578,400 |
ND | 833,459 |
NE | 962,493 |
NH | 918,397 |
NJ | 1,146,992 |
NM | 1,170,298 |
NV | 931,676 |
NY | 1,704,263 |
OH | 1,629,873 |
OK | 1,214,707 |
OR | 1,155,075 |
PA | 1,642,946 |
RI | 731,007 |
SC | 1,070,534 |
SD | 858,855 |
TN | 1,252,297 |
TX | 3,008,007 |
UT | 1,215,021 |
VA | 1,235,233 |
VT | 813,753 |
WA | 1,556,326 |
WI | 1,520,477 |
WV | 994,224 |
WY | 1,055,643 |
There are always questions on what type of events your state is allowed to organize or participate in with your RTP funds.
Here are some questions and answers that you may find useful.
Q: Can states sponsor conferences?
A: Yes, states may use their own State funds or use State RTP administrative funds to sponsor conferences. The new version of the RTP guidance will clearly state that states can use RTP administrative funds to sponsor conferences. States should use the same procurement procedures they would use for their own State funds, 49 CFR 18.36(a). The State should give FHWA credit if it uses RTP funds. A State's contract with a conference organizer may have a Statement of Work that specifies the State's requirements that it expects the conference organizer to meet.
Q: Can states sponsor conferences located in other states?
A: Yes. There is no prohibition against using funds in another State.
Q: Can a State use its RTP administrative funds to pay for state advisory committee members to attend meetings, training, and events related to recreational trails?
A: Yes, provided the costs are reasonable and provide a benefit to the State's RTP administration. The draft RTP guidance on administrative costs states:
Allowable administrative costs include items such as:
- Staff time to administer the RTP, including development and delivery of training for potential project sponsors on how to apply for RTP funds in the State.
- Meetings of the State recreational trail advisory committee.
- State RTP Program staff or RTP advisory committee attendance at trail-related training sessions, meetings, and conferences.
- Newsletters, websites, or other communications related to recreational trails.
- Development of, or support for, publications related to trail planning, design, construction, maintenance, operation, and assessment.
- Statewide trail planning related to the RTP. The RTP requires a statewide trail plan. States may use their administrative funds to develop and update a statewide trail plan.
- Trail conference support. States using RTP funds for conference support should acknowledge the RTP and the FHWA, and invite FHWA division office participation.
- States using RTP funds to develop publications, manuals, and other materials should acknowledge the RTP and the FHWA. Written materials developed with RTP funds and the results of the planning and research developed with RTP funds must be available to the general public. Except in rare circumstances, materials produced with RTP funds should be available as public domain material.
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American Council of Snowmobile Associations
P.O. Box 1670
Brighton, MI 48116
info@snowmobilers.orgPhone: (517) 351-4362