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Who is ACSA?

The American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ACSA) is a national organization that was formed to unite the snowmobile community. Because snowmobiling is enjoyed by millions of individuals across the United States, it was imperative that a strong national organization be formed. ACSA is that organization.

 ACSA is your voice for snowmobiling on national issues. Many snowmobilers are mistaken when they think national issues have no A group of snowmobilers taking a break from their sledsimpact on their snowmobiling. Across the United States there are thousands and thousands of miles of snowmobile trails on public and private lands. Will these lands remain open for snowmobiling in the future? Long term use of the lands is no longer certain. Only the unified voice of the entire snowmobile community will help to guarantee the continuation of our sport.

ACSA is committed to the future preservation of our sport. We cannot do this without the help and participation of all snowmobilers. Assure the future of snowmobiling, become involved in ACSA today!

ACSA Executive Board and Directors

Bert Miller
4330 Pat O’Hara Mountain Drive
Cody, WY 82414
P: (307) 899-3419
E: b.miller1962@hotmail.com

Vice President
Dave Newman
Unity, WI
P: (715) 212-7914
E: dnewman@ceas.coop

Len Neisler
10120 Beresford Court
Fishers, IN 46038
P: (371) 507-5436
E: lenneisler@gmail.com

Past President
Dan Long
2221-176th Avenue
Sherrard, IL 61281
P: (309) 781-9597 Cell
E: danlong@longscarpet.net

ACSA Past Presidents
Dan Long—2021-2023
Scott Herzog—2019-2021
Greg Hiles—2017-2019
Bob Kirchner—2015-2017
Duane Sutton—2013-2015
Terry Durby, 2011—2013
Fred Wiley, 2009—2011
Todd Wilkinson, 2007 —2009
Teri Manning, 2005 —2007
Jim Duke, 2003 —2005
Harold Case, 2001 —2003
Ken Nelson, 1999 —2001
Bill Manson, 1997 —1999
Kay Lloyd, 1995 - 1997
Delegates at Large
Stan Stutheit
Syracuse, NE
P: (402) 269-5312
E: sstutheit@akrs.com

Jason Howell
West Yellowstone, MT
P: (406) 461-1023
E: jhowell@yellowstonemt.com
Mountain Region
Dennis Jordan
Eagle Point, OR
E: dljordan14@gmail.com
Trails Region
Mark Hazzard
Winnebago, IL
E: mrhazzman@gmail.com
ACSA Office
Christine Jourdain, Executive Director
PO Box 1670
Brighton, MI 48116
P: (517) 351-4362
E: cajourdain@aol.com

A Brief History of the Snowmobile

The first attempts at building a vehicle that would move over snow on runners happened 80 years ago. Many dreamed of building a power-driven sled, especially where heavy snowfalls often meant the difference between life and death when attempting to transport an ill person to emergency care.

Snowmobilers talking In 1935, a snowmobile was built with skis in front and a sprocket wheel and tracked system in back. It carried 12 people, and family doctors, veterinarians, ambulance and taxi drivers were first in line to purchase one. A modified version found a market in the logging industry.

It was the late 1950s, with the development of smaller gasoline engines, before the one- or two-passenger lightweight chassis snowmobile was marketed - and with it, a new recreational sport was born.

Ten years later, there were dozens of manufacturers producing snowmobiles that sold for a few hundred dollars a piece. Today, four manufacturers will produce almost 150,000 snowmobiles to be sold annually worldwide. A girl on a snowmobileSnowmobiling is a major winter recreational activity and a significant factor in increased winter tourism in much of Canada and the snowbelt of the United States.

The history of the "snow machine" is yet to be complete. Today's snowmobile bears little resemblance to earlier models. By today's standards, the machines of the 60's and 70's are considered antiques.

About ACSA

ACSA is a national organization uniting the snowmobile community and promoting snowmobiling as a safe, fun and environmentally friendly family sport.


Snowmobiling is enjoyed by millions and must be represented by a strong national organization. ACSA is that organization. Join ACSA today to help us in our mission to promote snowmobiling.

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It’s never been easier! Write your representative and let them know it’s important to protect public trail funding and other important issues.


It has never been more critical to support organized snowmobiling! Become a supporter of ACSA by donating a tax-deductible amount and help keep public lands open.

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Contact Us

American Council of Snowmobile Associations
P.O. Box 1670
Brighton, MI 48116
Phone: (517) 351-4362

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